Let me tell you about myself

I have 2 beautiful sons, and am partnered to their beautiful mother. When I'm not programming I like to spend time with my family, cooking, camping, and playing video games. Lately I've gotten especially into smoking and baking.

I spent the beginning of my professional life working with grass-roots organizations managing data. These organizations used everything from google sheets and excel docs to dedicated data management systems. We used to spend days and weeks manually transcribing data from one system to another. I taught myself python to automate the process and used my time to focus on turning that data into actionable insights.

I liked programming so much, after moving back to Michigan, I joined Lambda School. I completed their program in Computer Science and Web Development and became a Team Lead helping students through the same program.

At the end of 2019 I joined SampleServe as a Frontend Engineer, where I worked with React and React Native. I built out core application features and focused on reducing bugs and improving code quality by adding automated linting, formatting, and testing.

Since the beginning of 2021 I've worked at Politech as a Frontend Engineer.

I also develop web and mobile applications as a Freelance Developer. Lets work together!

Things I've built

Blocks Political advocacy tool for community organizing, with features to support collection of voter registrations, petitions, phone banking, and more! React web app with ruby and elixir back end.

Sampleserve Project management tool for environmental sampling. React web app with flask backend. Used Redux and immutable.js for state management, SQLAlchemy and Postgresql on the backend.

ConnectTMA Secure video conferencing software for attorneys. Angular web app with .NET backend.

And More!about my experience. You can also get a better idea of how I think about code by reading through articles on myblog.

My core beliefs are

People are kind and we should assume they act with the best intentions.

Together we are more. It's our job to uplift, empower, and include each other.

Never stop learning, because the world never stops changing.

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